117. 2024: How God Showed Up Pt 3: Personal Convictions

Meet the Host

Five years ago, after achieving my degrees and teaching as a professor, I was feeling proud that I had checked everything off my life list. But, I wasn’t satisfied in my marriage.

Today, I’m a relationship coach on a mission to resurrect the side of you that got lost in your relationship and responsibilities teaching you how to stop arguing and have more sex. Millions of people around the world soak up my content for advice on how to have a more satisfying relationship.


Welcome to our new podcast series - 2024: How God Showed Up. In this 3 part series I discuss the ways God showed up for me in 2024 in different areas of my life.

Part 3 is more personal, and I share with you the revelations that I had with God this year.

Hear about how I personally heard from God and was able to make changes in my life for the better.

This episode is near and dear to my heart and I hope listening in helps you in some way.

Click the link to listen below and email me back with your thoughts, I want to hear from you!

If this episode resonated with you and you're ready to work with me during this season of your life, then I invite you to book a call for us to connect and chat.

During this call, you will share what is going on in your life, what you have tried so far, and I will share how I can help. I can't wait to meet you.

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Episode Transcript:  

Karina: Amigos, welcome back to Relationships. You Understand? with me, your host, Karina F. Daves, relationship expert, speaker and podcast host of this dope podcast as we continue our series, How God Showed Up in 2024.

My first episode was focused mainly on business and my career and how God showed up there in the many revelations. And the second episode we just launched was about my marriage. This one is more near and dear to my heart as much as I love my husband, it is more personal. And I want to share with you the revelations that I had with God this year.

And let's start with anxiety, ADHD, and perfectionism. So I am not diagnosed with any of these things. Also, as you know, I am a social worker, so I do know a lot of the signs, but I haven't been diagnosed. But I would say that my perfectionism is at the forefront. And I really regulated a lot of my perfectionism when my sister Stacey got cancer in 2021, 2022. And somehow it reared its ugly head this year like bad. And I think that I leaned on perfectionism because it felt like the thing I could freaking control. And so I leaned on it because I felt like a lot of parts of my life were a little bit out of control. And what it ended up doing was giving me a lot of anxiety about a lot of situations and making me have unnecessary conversations and unnecessary thoughts that I shouldn't have been having, whether it was with a family member, a friend, a coworker, or just with myself. And I remember God in many ways telling me like, I got this, like let go, let go and let God.

Another way, another thing that happened personally this year is I've always been on the health kick, but I've suffered a lot of hair loss and you can't really tell because I guess I have a lot of hair and I've been trying to really solve for hair loss. And so I went on a 90 day juice cleanse this year. Yes, you heard that 90 days, all I drank was juice, to really cleanse me out. It started in March and I did it in order to start to identify what was really wrong. And I was able to see the many things that triggered me, the many things that just weren't going right in my life.

Ooh, somebody texted. I love this, it's live. new message. Okay, I'm definitely gonna text you back. Whoever just texted me right now, I got your text message and I got you. See how it came right to me? I got you, I'm so excited.

Okay, so I did the juice cleanse. I figured out a lot of things that were going on with my body. And then my husband got diagnosed with high cholesterol. And you know what they gave this man? They gave him ozempic. And I was like, no, heck to the no. Give me six months to reverse your high cholesterol. So high cholesterol, I learned, comes from three different ways. So either eating a lot of meat, so steak or something like that, not exercising enough and or sugar. And I know exactly which two it was. It wasn't the meat. So I asked him to…

Hi, Sister Circle Monarcha. Well, she's a great hair product. can you DM me that, please? Sister Circle Collective. I would love to just try it because I figured everything else out with the juice cleanse. my hair loss. Is that interesting? So.

I said, give me six months to reverse your high cholesterol, which we're in the middle of doing, which is when we introduced the black seed oil, a lot of the celery juice and things of that nature. So we're on that kick. And I really felt like I had this like intense feeling of God planted us here to, with the purpose of creating.

However, you want to take that for me, it means procreating, right? Like babies. And I owe it to these babies to live long. I owe it to these babies to not be 55 or 65 and need for them to take care of me. I want to take care of myself and I want to take care of them for as long as I can. And so I realized that like my journey, I went down a rabbit hole really bad of food and where food comes from and like the navigation of it and the transportation of it and what really is organic and the fallout of whole foods. And this is why we started shopping at the farmers market. I mean, it just became a very interesting year when we started having a better relationship with our food and actually learning where our food comes from.

The next thing is I said that how much I didn't trust myself. This is a hard one to share, but this is the last one I'll share about what the person of revelation I had. I realized this year that I'm actually not as close to God as I need to be, or as I think I am. And that one hit me really hard because again, I'm a perfectionist or that reared its ugly head this year. And I felt like God was calling me in a different way this year and I wasn't listening until I would say Q3, Q4. And I would wake up and I would feel such an intense amount of, I'm such a bad daughter. I'm such a bad kid. I know you're mad at me. I'm so sorry. I'll try again. And I don't remember what verse I got into or what story I got into, but things started to change around the end of Q3 and in the beginning of Q4 where I realized like, this is the relationship with God, like this whole journey of feeling like you go up and down in your relationship with God is the journey. Like it's not always going to be perfect. And that was hard for me. And so I started to read a lot of my journals from back in the day. You ever go back and read your journals when you were born again? Man, I had the fire of God in me. Like I was like praying like nobody's business. And then I went back and I read my journal entries from when I was very sick for two years and I had over 12 surgeries in a matter of two years.

And those journal entries were such a plead. Like I was pleading to God, like, help me do this. I believe you can do it. And that fervency wasn't there in the beginning of this year. And I was very mad at myself for it because I have a whole family to pray for. And I feel like this year, God showed up and told me, that's OK. I know you can try again. What I tell my clients plenty of times is, you gave it your best shot. And it was something I needed to tell myself this year.

And if you're listening to this right now, whatever you're going through, want you to know you gave it your best shot. You're giving it your best shot, even if you think you're not. Even if other people think you haven't done a lot, that's your best shot right now. You understand? Okay, let me pray for you.

Father God, I thank you for this day. I ask that you bless those that are listening. And such and provide such a peace over their lives right now There's so many things that they're juggling with finances careers their relationships or kids what's gonna be for dinner tonight and sometimes we get caught up in the ways of this world that we forget about the kingdom and Your goal God is for us to duplicate and replicate the kingdom down here on earth Like that's our part and I think plenty of times we forget that and so Lord would you remind us of that during this time? Would you remind us that? We must duplicate. must mirror the kingdom down here on earth. I love you so much, Lord. In your son's name, we pray. Amen.

Okay. Listen, if you have a relationship issue and you want to talk to me about it, I need you to text the word relationship to 208-943-5363 where we're going to talk about your relationship issue. I'll ask you a couple of questions and then you're going to subscribe to the podcast called Relationship Hotline.

It is 9.99 a month. you DM me, DM me. I have a special surprise for you. It's like a discount for the relationship hotline. Okay. You will have access to not only the answer for your relationship problem, but answers to everybody else's relationship problem. Okay. I love you so, so, so much.

If any of this resonated with you, if the testimonies resonated with you, if you're like, dang, like I really need to work on myself or I really need to work on my relationship. I need to let go of the offense. I really want to solve our number one relationship issue. I have some spots opening up to work with me in January. I want you to go to the link in my bio and put the consultation call so we can talk about everything that's happened so far, what you tried and how I can help. I want to help you heal and transform your marriage. OK, I want you to book a call even if you all have tried couples therapy.

Okay, I'm gonna tell you everything your couples therapist will take six months to tell you about your marriage. It's just the very first call. Okay. This will be the last episode or probably the first episode of 2025. And then we're gonna start promoting our quarterly workshops. If you didn't attend our workshop last this quarter, which was called, I leave or should I stay? We're actually gonna do four workshops, one each quarter. And the next workshop is called...Are they the, is it them or is it me? Are they the problem? Where am I the problem is going to be great. And I'm going to literally take you through the different stages that relationships go through. So when they're checked out, they end up and should I leave or should I say, so that's Q4 how they start is, they the problem or am I the problem? So we'll go ahead and do that. Okay. I love you so much. My name is Karina F. Daves. I'm a relationship expert speaker and podcast host of this podcast. Relationships. You understand?

I also have an amazing relationship hotline called the relationship hotline and if you're interested in subscribing to it you can either go to link my bio and subscribe to it for $9.99 a month or DM me for a little bit of a discount or you can just text the word relationship to 208-943-5363 and that will go directly to me. Okay, I love you so much. Have an amazing day. Bye!


118. Through Thick & Thin Pt 1: When Life Throws a Curveball


116. 2024: How God Showed Up Pt 2: Marriage & Family