Every episode of the Relationships. You Understand? Podcast is filled with testimonies, tools and strategies to help you stop arguing with your partner and have more sex. A better relationship starts with a better you.

Are you partners or just roommates?
Tired of just coasting through your relationship? If you’re feeling like ships passing in the night, it’s time to clear out the emotional clutter and get real with each other.
Spring Clean Your Relationship is for couples who are done playing roommates and ready to reignite their connection.
No fluff, no fake smiles—just the truth about where you stand and what it takes to move forward, together. If you’re ready to do the work, this series is your blueprint.
Love isn’t always enough. Are you still each other’s person, or just living under the same roof? This one question could break open everything.
Your values are the foundation. Are you building a life together, or are you two worlds apart? Time to get real about it.
Enough with the vague “someday” goals. What are you actively working toward, together, right now? Let’s set some real intentions.
Listen here!
No sugarcoating here. Let your partner tell you how they really see you. It’s raw, it’s real, and it might just be the wake-up call you need.
Spring Clean Your Relationship Series

59. Your Values Are Shaky
Listen to this week's episode as we talk about the top 3 reasons why relationships don't work out. For this episode, we will focus heavily on values and how when our values are shaky, our relationship isn't as strong as it could be.

58. Let Your Friends Go
Listen to this week's episode as we talk about the top 3 reasons why we let our friends go. There is a reason behind why you both grew apart and in this episode, we finally expose why.

57. Why Your Relationship Isn't Working
Listen to this week's episode highlighting the biggest relationship issue out there which is that people don't know what they want.
And you don't know what you want in a relationship, because you don't know who you are.
Listen to this episode as I break down the different identities that have overcome your OWN identity and ability to show up as.

56. You're In a Checklist Marriage
Listen to this week's episode "You're in a checklist marriage" where I discuss how many of us end up in a checklist marriage and the three areas we need to focus on to transition out of it.

55. My Husband Cheated On Me
This week's episode focuses on the 3 reasons why hobbies are necessary in your relationship. When your partner has hobbies, it feels like they're cheating on you, but THEY ARE NOT.
Listen to this episode as I break down :
1. How Hobbies are necessary
2. What support ACTUALLY means
3. How Hobbies release the tension that currently exists in your relationship.

54. Ways We Argue in Our Relationship
I want to help you finally have peace in your relationships so that you can show up as the partner you desire.

53. Idolization vs. Inspiration
This week's episode touches upon the difference between idolization and inspiration.
God tells us that idols are as empty as the wind and we must constantly turn our hearts to him.
It seems pretty simple and obvious.
But, did you know that you could idolize your career?
You could even be idolizing your relationship.
The line is so thin and sneaky that you don't even see it coming.
In this episode, I share the top 3 things we tend to idolize rather than God.

52. I Almost Broke Up With My Boyfriend
Listen as I share my framework for Boundaries and why boundaries are difficult for "us" to set. There are different roadblocks for us when we're getting ready to set boundaries with our family, close friends, etc.

51. My Toxic Friendships
Listen as I share my framework for Boundaries and why boundaries are difficult for "us" to set. There are different roadblocks for us when we're getting ready to set boundaries with our family, close friends, etc.

50. Why Boundaries Are Difficult for "Us"
Listen as I share my framework for Boundaries and why boundaries are difficult for "us" to set. There are different roadblocks for us when we're getting ready to set boundaries with our family, close friends, etc.

49. Don't Do It For Them
Listen as I share some hard news to hear about the decisions that you've made in your relationship in pursuit of certain goals, ideas, and even your own career/business.

48. You Deserve to Live
Listen as I pray for you. This episode is an entire declaration and decree over your life. It is meant to inspire you and fill up your cup.

47. Take Responsibility for Your Boundaries
Listen as I share how taking responsibility for setting your boundaries is important in the process of getting your life back. The importance of reconfiguring your values, your faith, and your purpose is super essential when setting your boundaries. Stop stagnating this important part of your journey.

46. Your In-Laws & The Holidays
Listen as I share how much of a united front with your partner you need during the holidays and your in-laws. This episode isn't for those who have accepting in-laws and ones that respect you and love you for what you and your partner are building. This episode is for couples who struggle with their in-laws during the holidays. I share the many reasons why being on the same page is SO important.

45. How The Enemy Works
Listen as I share how the enemy works to manipulate my mind and twist my negative thoughts into creating plans that aren't aligned with what God wants for me. It's super sneaky and perverse and it has been put on my heart to share with you all.

44. Stop Trying to Change People
Listen as I share why it's so important that we stop trying to change people. I share how folks rarely change for others, our main incentive in making changes is selfish, we mainly change for ourselves.
I share my personal testimony as a recovering controller wanting to change the relationships around me and discovering that it all boiled down to fundamental values.

43. My Therapist Betrayed Me
Listen as I share the vulnerable journey of marriage therapy with my husband and how I was deeply offended that our therapist didn't side with me. Our marriage therapy story is always one of victory that I look back on. There was so much resistance to start but it was the very tool that our marriage needed in order to build something very different for the next generation.

42. Ways Your Relationships Affect Your Growth
This episode describes the impact of our relationships. We go over how it may be time to prune our relationships because it's the exact thing that sucks our energy out. You need to understand that your relationships and the very people that you spend the most time with impact your thoughts, your heart, and the overall soul purpose that God has for you.

41. Ways People Will Try To Knock You Down
This episode exposes my first and last toxic relationship. I go through every single red flag and the thoughts and circumstances that led to the demise of the relationship. While at the time it was one of the toughest and most painful decisions I have ever made, it's one of the ones I am most grateful for. Listen as I share the different ways that so many of us get caught up on "fixing them".

40. My Toxic Relationship
This episode exposes my first and last toxic relationship. I go through every single red flag and the thoughts and circumstances that led to the demise of the relationship. While at the time it was one of the toughest and most painful decisions I have ever made, it's one of the ones I am most grateful for. Listen as I share the different ways that so many of us get caught up on "fixing them".